Tuesday, June 28, 2005

To Be a Maid of Honor

"Maid of Honor" what does this phrase mean to you?
most people would probably relate it to the head bridesmaid in a wedding ceremony. which is actually the reason I've been thinking about this lately. One of my close friends, who I have known almost all my life, just asked his girlfriend to marry him. They've been going out for a year and so I have gotten to know her pretty well. Because of this, she asked me to be her Maid of Honor in their wedding next May. After I humbly accepted this wonderful responsibility, I first began to think of all the material responsibilities the Maid of Honor has. Of helping find bridesmaid dresses, planning a bridal shower, and such things like those. however, in the last couple days I've been thinking about what it means to be a Maid of Honor, period. To be a Maid of Honor is to live in all love, humility, truth, and purity. Hopefully all of us women, young and old alike, are striving to be Maids of Honor.


Blogger tootlepip said...

This was very insightful!

4:31 PM  
Blogger Headmistress, zookeeper said...

It was beautiful, and I've linked to it. Been meaning to link to it for a few days, but keep getting distracted.
We're very proud to call you friend, and you _are_ a maid of honor!

8:02 PM  

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